Moving forward with the selection of a region, there is an aspect to be aware of. Whenever you deploy a resource to Azure, you will have to select a region at some point. - Definition from", "Azure IoT Hub general availability overview", "Microsoft delivers public preview of its new Azure IoT software as a service", "Azure IoT Developer Kits (AZ3166) Have Arrived", "Microsoft built its own custom Linux kernel for its new IoT service – TechCrunch", "Microsoft's Azure IoT Edge, now generally available, is key to Redmond's IoT strategy | ZDNet", "Microsoft's edgy Open Enclave SDK goes cross platform", "Microsoft beats Google and Amazon to announce first African data centers, kicking off in 2018", "Azure Region and Datacenter, find your best match", "Google goes bilingual, Facebook fleshes out translation and TensorFlow is dope - And, Microsoft is assisting fish farmers in Japan", "See the amazing things people are doing with Azure", "What is Windows Azure Fabric Controller (FC)? Getting Started with Azure CLI and Cloud Shell – Azure CLI Kung Fu Series, Azure AD is Down Blocking Access to Azure, Teams, and more! - Definition from", "Enterprise Cloud Adoption: How does Azure work?

This will reduce the response time and with that offer a better user experience. Azure Active Directory is used to Synchronize on-premises directories and enable single sign-on. [40], Microsoft has some Gold partners available across the globe to sell its products. Before choosing an Azure Region, it’s crucial to understand the global infrastructure concept of Azure. "az account list-locations -o table" to get it in an easy readable format. Last week I wrote about using PowerShell to get a list of all the data center values.

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