We will be able to tell you more after a personal examination or if you send us a 3D scan.

Ceramics is a more resistant material. General appearance is improved. Do you provide Full mouth dental implants?Yes we do, however the term "Full mouth dental implants" can have several meanings. The number of implants depends on many aspects such as the quality of your bone. The cost of a jaw treatment with five fixed implants in a ceramic bridge is 6150 Euros. Stop spending money on fixing agents for dentures. Smile with confidence. Easy cleaning and maintenance. Check the cost of a  full mouth dental implants treatment. - CZ HOST. Remember, 1 implant can replace several teeth when used to fix a bridge or denture. 1st option - … The bridge is attached to a set of dental implants. Latest equipment and materials available on the market - including CEREC system, CAD/CAM technology, dental 3D scanner etc. Thank you to ALL of you for making me feel welcome and reassured .I look forward to every future stage because I know I am with the best now . Speech is natural as if these were natural teeth. They are fully focused on jaw rehabilitation and work daily at the clinic to restore smiles.

Each case is unique, and the aforementioned prices do not preclude prior consultation with the dentist. 1st option - fixed dentureComplete lower or upper arch denture fixed to implants.Main advantages: better functional and aesthetic solution than classical denture. The price of a jaw treatment with six fixed implants in a ceramic bridge or crown is 6700 Euros.

Offer is valid until the end of September. Full Mouth Reconstruction. Two implants in the jawbone to hold dentures. Upper or lower full-arch of natural looking fixed dental prosthesis attached to dental implants starts on 6 267 EUR.Upper or lower full-arch of natural looking fixed dental prosthesis attached to all-on-6 system starts on 7 000 EUR.

Full Mouth Reconstruction in Prague, Czech Republic, abroad also stands for Full Mouth dental implants, Full Mouth Renovation, Complete set of dental implants, dental bridges and crowns, fixed dentures, fixed prosthesis, full arch dental implants, dental implants full mouth, © 2019 | PRAGA MEDICA HEALTHCARE s.r.o. 2nd option - All-on-6Upper or lower full-arch of natural looking fixed dental prosthesis attached to All-on-6 dental implant system.Main advantages: A less invasive procedure = reduced recovery time. The dentist at the clinic performs a full diagnosis suited to your clinical case. A full mouth dental implants treatment is very complex and there are several solutions. Implants, four, five or six holding ceramic bridges or. Production and delivery of dentures, implants or bridges. Eat all you want and improve your health. The dentists at Vita Centre are members of the Portuguese Dental Association. The aforementioned price does not include removable dentures, which cost 220 Euros, nor does it include bone grafts with biomaterials.

By clicking the "Submit" button, you give us a consent to contact you in relation to your enquiry. The number of implants depends on many aspects such as the quality of the bone, type of implants or bridge used, number of teeth to be replaced, financial limits of the patient and the experience of the implantologist.