My eldest is always really hungry in the mornings - he has a banana as soon as he gets downstairs (about 7ish) then he has breakfast at about 8, and now he's asking for some toast! I dont know if this is right but its what we do :dunno::), MY son loves weetabix .he's just 3 past october and he gets 2 weetbix plus raisins in with it too!!

but i mean if they are eating them and eating another bit.they just hungry at breakfast time!

Think I'm gonna have some weetabix with a banana now :) — zayn (@zaynmalik) June 2, 2013. Weetbix 2 biscuits 109.3 calories 22.1 grams carbs 0.5 grams fat 4.1 grams protein 0 grams fiber 0 mg cholesterol 0 grams saturated fat 0 mg sodium 0 grams sugar 0 grams trans fat biscuits Nutrition Facts

If you're looking for good recipes to batch cook and stock your freezer with, or meal ideas for a buffet, barbecue or party, post here to get suggestions from other Netmums. Your IP:

Just out of interest, how much breakfast do your little ones eat? I take 2 weetabix.

Lots of questions about my school uniform grant. My DD is 22 months and she normally has between 1.5 and 2 weetabix and usually some fruit or yogurt also. So it's about right then.

Be consistent and eat no more than 1800 every day, you will lose weight.

hot drink with no caffeine and not too many calories ? It looks like the little lady is going the same way. •

For more tips, check out. Is the total more than you burn or less? I don't eat weetabix myself (I don't like them!) The oldest has already had a banana at about 7am and the little one has had a milk feed at 6am. Thanks so much for all your responses, it's lovely of you all to take the time to reply. Performance & security by Cloudflare, Please complete the security check to access.

Weetabix - Hot or Cold!? I think 2 is the right amount for you son, and probably 1 for your DD but then if she's still hungry a bit more? Does anyone else have cereal with warm/hot milk? and he polishes it off lol im not sure maybe google it and see the recommended amount? Despite losing 76kg, she still had a lot of excess skin around her stomach.

I have a (very nearly) one year old and he will eat 1 and a half, and if he whinges when its done, I give him another half. As you can see by my ticker - I have a nearly-3-year-old and a nearly-8-month-old who have pretty "healthy" appetites.

my dd is 3 in july and she will eat 2 weetabix and a whole banana mashed into it!

She is tricky though because she will eat this and lunch but quite often refuses to eat any dinner so by the time breakfast comes she is starving bless her, i was think about this 2 my dd is 10 months and i dont think one fills her anymore. What is your favourite cereal? My eldest is 3 just short of 4 and eats 2 weetabix usually with fruit, a banana or raisins. One day between them they ate 11.

From using forks, to ungodly amounts of Weet-Bix.