This is how you can do this: Check if you are still facing Outlook timeout errors. 3aIT Limited, 51 Bishopric, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1QJ, 0203 384 3932 Company No: 3866698, VAT Number: 771388600, in outlook 2016 the more settings button is not available on an exchange account. Aber Vorsicht: Wenn Sie den Dialog zur Kontrolle öffnen, dürfen Sie ihn nicht mit „OK“ schließen, sondern nur mit „Abbrechen“. There may be issues with Internet Service Provider or ISP and the server ports. Die von Ihnen eingegebene E-Mail Adresse ist nicht korrekt. • Check the location of your data file through the control panel On BT Infinity 2? How to save Microsoft Outlook Emails to USB Flash Drive? I want to do an outlook 2016 server timeout change as I am getting doubled up attachments and email addresses. Andernfalls setzt Outlook den Wert in der Registry – und damit den Timeout – wieder zurück auf 600 Sekunden, also 10 Minuten. Sitemap: HTML - You can rise the server timeout period as given below (steps are given for Outlook 2010 and later). Click the Account Settings tile and select the Account Settings option. Windows Vista to be put to pasture this month, Big Windows 10 update coming in the next few days, Exploding battery recycling factory explodes, KMS! To fix the Outlook timeout error, you need to change server timeout settings in Outlook. The ISP or system administrator can perform the following alteration in the firewall setting: What new features are coming in Windows 10 May 2020 update? Great! Klicken Sie den Eintrag „Timeout“ doppelt an und geben Sie den gewünschten Timeout-Wert in Sekunden ein, beispielsweise „1200“ (für 20 Minuten). Plan that was never going to work doesn't work, HowTo: Work out what's slowing your PC down, TfL on the wrong side of the tracks in password complaint, Windows 10 feature update release schedule to change, HowTo: Declutter your Outlook inbox by ignoring a conversation, Six months until Windows 7 support ends entirely, UK adult website age verification delayed for "six months", HowTo: Download maps to your phone to use offline, Big changes coming to Microsoft's Edge Browser. Hier finden Sie verschiedene Unterschlüssel, die für die installierten E-Mail-Konten sowie den Persönlichen Ordner und das Adressbuch stehen. • ISP or server connectivity issue E-Mail-Pannen beheben: Warum sind meine Kontoeinstellungen veraltet und wie ändere ich das? Now click Account Settings, and again click Account Settings. Prove it with this quiz, HowTo: Use new multiple clipboard feature in Windows 10, Microsoft browser warns against visiting Daily Mail website, New "Sandbox" mode coming in next Windows 10 update. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive a monthly roundup of our latest blogs. MS Outlook users are very much familiar with Outlook Timeout errors.