Create your own survey using this template with Survs.

What questions to include in your post-training evaluation survey. Most people are willing to answer three to five open-ended questions before they start to get distracted.

If you pick questions that are clear, specific, and at least a little bit interesting, though, you’ll be much more likely to get insights into your customers that you can really put to use. (open-text)8.

The best way to find out more about the quality and effectiveness of your current training programs is by running a survey and asking all the right training questions. On a scale of extremely dissatisfied to extremely satisfied, how would you rate your overall experience with our product/service you purchased?14. Use the following to strengthen your understanding of what’s bringing customers to your door: When crafting a survey, it’s important not to overwhelm customers with too many questions at once. Did the description of the product on our website accurately represent what you received? (Read more on retention strategies for long-term customer loyalty.). By posing the question like this, as if they could take away Drift from me at any moment, it seems to connect with you on emotional level and make you visualize what you would lack if you didn't have it anymore.

Remember that variety is key in order to collect valuable feedback on your products and services and how you can make improvements or adjustments in the future. What else would you like us to know? Would you recommend this training to a friend or colleague? Read our Cookie Policy . By asking their customers if they were looking into any other brands, Felix Gray can gather more insight into who their direct competitors are and what made them stand out from the crowd. A Yazamo Product. Or else they might leave your program immediately after the first session. The questions below are important to add to your survey if you’re testing a new product or shipment option, or just want general feedback: Although you can try to determine customer loyalty based off of customer retention rates, customer loyalty is truly a different concept. 2. Subscribe to our blog & get notified on the latest trends that impact your business. Well done, Drift, well done. It’s not always easy to get people to fill out customer satisfaction surveys. Along with each section is an optional comment field where customers can leave additional feedback. Here are two sample training survey questions you could ask: 1. Find this article helpful? Skype cares about its quality of experience for its customers, and ensures that its feedback can help them improve any looming audio or video issues that might need tweaking.
(multiple choice)5. Are you satisfied with how your agent handled your inquiry? Did you have enough time allocated to complete the training? Are you happy with your shipping options? Take this American Airlines survey for example: As I flew through the different questions about my recent flight experience, I watched as the blue bar at the top filled up. Even if your site is fully functional, something may be keeping your visitors from navigating it with ease, which leads them to stumble confused through FAQs, or to abandon items in their cart. Here are some tips to help you along the way: What is the main objective of your survey? What would you change about the training? All Rights Reserved. Compared to similar products/services you purchased, is our product/service better, worse, or the same?

Customer satisfaction surveys can help you yield useful data that otherwise could be hard to quantify. Was the trainer able to answer all your questions and concerns? There are always situations that arise that can affect a customer’s perception of your brand. 9. Here are some of the training survey questions you should consider asking (of course, don’t use all of them in a single survey): 1. Especially if we know that the e-learning industry is projected to grow to $325 billion by 2025.

Another great tool to utilize is a progress bar: As someone continues through a survey, a bar at the top will continue to fill until the survey is complete.