On Monday, November 12, Hamilton was tried for murder. Initially, the …

I am currently writing a book about the murder of the family of Carney PARSONS. He and his wife, Minnie B. The event involved a man by the name of Joseph "Jodie" Hamilton and Carney Parsons. On the day of the murder Parsons loaded his Family and household effects in his wagon and started for Miller Co, MO when about two miles east of Success at what is known as the old Vance Place he was murdered this was about 2 o'clock in the day. [27] She is believed to be the youngest person ever convicted of a multiple murder in Canada.[27]. Someone fishing found their bodies. Hamilton went to church wearing the suit he had taken from Mr. Parsons, also his ring. The wagon was then driven into thicket of brush and left until about midnight that night when young Hamilton returned hitched up Drove to Piney River and threw all of the Bodies into the water two of the children was found by Fishing Party with in one hour after were thrown in. Parsons had sold his crop to young Hamilton. Jody Hamilton worked as a share cropper with the Parsons and lived with them.

The murder was committed by Jodie (Jody or Joda HAMILTON).

After the family was murdered they were thrown in the Piney River.

In September 2011, Richardson began attending classes at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Alberta during the final years of her sentence. [25], Under the Youth Criminal Justice Act, Richardson's name could no longer be published in Canada after she became a suspect. num... Ah Toy ~ San Francisco's Notorious Madame. Photo from the HOUSTON HERALD, December 27, 1906. He was sentenced to be executed on December 21. [19] The girl had a page at the same site, leading to speculation they met there. [9][12] For a time it was feared that she might have also been a victim, but she was arrested the following day in the community of Leader, Saskatchewan, about 130 kilometres (81 mi) away, with her 23-year-old boyfriend Jeremy Allan Steinke. July 25, 2020 2:01 PM ET. [2], At 1:00 p.m. on April 23, 2006, the bodies of husband Marc Richardson, 42, and wife Debra, 48, were found in the basement of their home,[7] and the body of their son Tyler Jacob,[8] 8, was discovered upstairs.

Comments Virginia Kruta Associate Editor. "This is a photograph of Carrie L. Parsons, wife and three children murdered by Joseph Hamilton about two miles east of Success, MO on Friday October the 12, 1906. Both were charged with the three murders. One fateful night on Saturday, April 11, 1981, a family was attacked in the rural town of Keddie, California. Fishermen discovered the bodies of Jesse and the infant Edward floating in the river the following morning. Mike Parson said Saturday that over 100 murders had gone uncharged while St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner charged Mark and Patricia McCloskey. Richardson, who had turned 13 before being convicted, is thought to be the youngest person in Canada ever convicted of multiple first-degree murder counts. No murder weapon was found, but Jerry’s wallet and the family’s morning newspaper from September 26 were missing. Bill Hamilton that is said to Preach at the New Church. Mike Parson: Over 100 St. Louis Murders Go Uncharged While Kim Gardner Charges McCloskeys. Mr. Parson paid Jody $25 for a horse and shotgun. STRANGE, along with their 3 children were murdered in Texas Co., MO on Oct. 12, 1906. [31], Steinke admitted to the murder of the parents in conversation with an undercover police officer while in custody. [23] Just hours prior to committing the murders, Steinke and some friends reportedly watched the 1994 film Natural Born Killers, about a young couple who go on a violent killing spree. Parsons had sold his crop to young Hamilton. He noted that the law — specifically the Second Amendment and Missouri’s Castle Doctrine — appeared to be on the side of the McCloskeys.