Continue reading "DT 29481", BD Rating – Difficulty * / ** – Enjoyment ***, Greetings from Ottawa, where we are enjoying a respite from the cold, wet, cloudy late summer weather with a few glorious warm, sunny early autumn days.… Continue reading, We have been finding crosswords by the Eclogue team in a range of publications of thematic cryptics over the last ten years, the EV, Crossword, the Inquisitor series and the Magpie, and we know that the clues will challenge us but be fair and that there will be a smile when we spot the theme. If you try to access the Giant GK crossword No 12254 through the home page then, guess what? – yes, you get last week’s. The Daily Telegraph Crosswords. Dada is quirky again this week, with a sprinkling of Hmms – I counted three anagrams (two of which were partials), one lurker, and three homophones – all in an asymmetric 29 clues, with 16 hints ‘sprinkled’ throughout the grid you should be able to get the checkers to enable the solving of the unhinted clues.… Continue reading. Menu Subscribe for full access Login.

A very suitable Tuesday Toughie. + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – +. You need to access it via one of the other pages, like “Play Puzzles”.

Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 29461 (Hints) The Saturday Crossword Club Hosted by Tilsit + – + – + – + – + – + – + – + A very good Saturday morning from Warrington.

If you can do the regular Daily Cryptic then you ought to be able to do this one, but it will probably take a liitle longer. Continue reading “DT 29479 (Hints)”, BD Rating – Difficulty ***** – Enjoyment *****, The Nina helped me identify the Labour Minister. Nothing too obscure this Saturday, just a good honest prize puzzle. The four long answers should give a foothold into the puzzle and help you on your way. From Tuesday to Friday there is an additional cryptic crossword - the Toughie - which, as its name implies, is intended to be rather more demanding than the standard daily fare. Since they've been known to comment, we might see later if my hunch is correct. I found this one to be a little harder than usual, but on looking back at it I’m not sure why. Continue reading “DT Cryptic No 25876 – Review”, BD Rating – Difficulty *** – Enjoyment ***.

Putting the words to lights – crossword clues explained in plain English, BD Rating – Difficulty *** – Enjoyment ***, A lovely offering from Chalicea today with a number of delicious clues, Solved and blogged quickly as I have a busy day ahead. And like some other DT grids, it’s all short words – the longest entry is 9 letters.

Next Monday a new reviewer joins the team. I only time my crossword solving when I am blogging, because I use the paper version the reswt of the week, but today’s puzzle was the fastest solve that I can recall – and judging from the number of people appearing on the leaderboard last night, there were plenty of others who would agree.… Continue reading, A lovely offering from Chalicea today with a number of delicious clues, Solved and blogged quickly. The usual few hints to get you started.

Afraid as I am working today, it’s going to be a brief blog. Play our Quick crosswords for a speedy challenge of your vocabulary. Today for me was one of the latter. A very good Sunday morning from Winnipeg, where, on the first day of Autumn (Tuesday), we had a very Summery 30 degrees! All Puzzles Crosswords Win Prizes Leaderboards The Knowledge.

Retrouvez The Telegraph Cryptic Crosswords 7 et des millions de livres en stock sur

For me, this was rather a disappointing puzzle. Putting the words to lights – crossword clues explained in plain English.

Good morning from South Staffs on a sunny September morning.

BD Rating – Difficulty ** – Enjoyment ***. I’m not mad keen on the grid, with some 7-letter answers with only 3 letters checked, though some others have 5 checked letters.

A very agreeable challenge today which contained one or two little stings in the tail. Quite a few insertions on offer, but there's nothing wrong with that. See:, 52,953,882 All Time Page Views on site (Hit counter is delayed by up to 1 min. Mar 23 – I’m not sure when it happened, but Codewords No 1255 has now been updated, as usual it now has a completely different set of numbers. This one is a fairly typical Daily Telegraph cryptic crossword – workmanlike with nothing too complicated. As has been said before, some days you are on the same wavelength as the setter, other days it just doesn’t happen. This was a pleasant enjoyable puzzle of average Toughie difficulty.

It reminded me of a caption I saw recently for a soldier in camouflage fatigues wearing a hi-vis jacket. BD Rating – Difficulty *** – Enjoyment ***.