}); Alecia Orsini is an award winning independent filmmaker and multi-media professional. BOX 8382 Columbia, SC 29202, Phone: (803) 807-9811    Fax: (803) 807-9810, 2020 © Wateree Community Action. googletag.cmd.push(function() {  Staff Associated with the Marketing Department: Marketing Department: Erika Burnett, Angela Di Santo, Kerryn Hayes, Patricia James, Michele Klekotka, Dee Lingham-Johnson, Dylan Manfredi, Beth McCarthy, Rosemary Poole, and Karen Ressler. Contact Us | Public Records Request Academic researchers used EA’s purchase, play, and upgrade data for individual players to help the global gaming company predict future purchase behavior and estimate customer lifetime value. She feels grateful every day to see life through the eyes of people who share their stories. Robert Finch has lived on and written about Cape Cod for forty years. Leading authority on corporate governance issues, with expertise in executive compensation, corporate compliance and Delaware issues. });  googletag.defineSlot('/7934/WCAI_728x90_header', [[320, 50], [728, 90]], 'div-gpt-ad-1562617135956-0').addService(googletag.pubads());  window.googletag = window.googletag || {cmd: []};  She brings more than 30 years of experience in radio and television to WCAI. Participate in an Academic Research Project. Every Monday The Point features Living Lab with Heather Goldstone, examining the stories behind … Information regarding the fall 2020 reopening of the New York campuses can be found at nyit.edu/reopening.. New York City and Long Island Campus Access Policy updates can be found at nyit.edu/alerts.

Wateree Community Actions, Inc. continues to adhere to the objectives of the Community Action's focus, helping poor and disadvantaged people to achieve self-sufficiency and providing them with the tools and resources necessary to achieve that goal.   From 2006 to 2009,... An avid locavore, Elspeth lives in Wellfleet and writes a blog about food. Our programs connect industry with researchers and students with the goal of innovating the field of data analytics, fostering new … Students were asked to increase revenue for Evite by addressing one or more of the core drivers of growth. She is production assistant for "The Point," and she co-curates the station's Facebook pages... John Basile is the local host of All Things Considered weekday afternoons and a reporter.

A multidisciplinary student team developed a marketing mix model to better balance resources to power brands and product innovations. Over the last thirty-five years, he has independently... Jennette Barnes is a reporter and producer. Wharton Customer Analytics. Proposals are evaluated jointly by the Corporate Partner who is co-sponsoring the Research Opportunity, staff and WCAI faculty co-directors Eric Bradlow and Raghu Iyengar, and one or two reviewers from external institutions. googletag.enableServices();  Host and producer Dan Tritle has wanted to be on the radio since he was five years old. Company: Electronic Arts │ Industry: Video Gaming. googletag.enableServices(); 

}); The Struggles In Special Education on the Cape and Islands, Reporters: Sean Corcoran and Cathy CormanCo-produced by Steve Young and Sean CorcoranExecutive producer and editor: Steve Young, Florida's Miami-Dade Pushes Back On Loosening Of Coronavirus Restrictions, NYC To Send New Ballots To Nearly 100,000 Voters After Printing Error, Anita Hill On Sexual Harassment In Hollywood And Beyond, 'Kobe Bryant Bill' Makes It A Crime For First Responders To Photograph Dead Bodies, You Literally Can't Believe The Facts Tucker Carlson Tells You.   Search by industry, company, project type, etc. window.googletag = window.googletag || {cmd: []};  Viki produces WCAI's Arts and Ideas hosted by Jay Allison and is the Associate Director of Atlantic Public Media (APM), our production partners in Woods Hole. Wharton Customer Analytics is dedicated to sharing the knowledge created by our extensive network of researchers. Together with Jay Allison and Atlantic Public Media she produces the Sonic ID's, the... Yuri is Director of Member Engagement for WGBH and WCAI Fundraising Services. googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest();  She attended Bridgewater State University where she graduated with a BA in Communications and Journalism. Elspeth is constantly exploring the Cape, Islands, and South Coast and all our farmer's markets to find out what's good, what's growing and what to do with it. Students were asked to increase revenue for Evite by addressing one or more of the core drivers of growth.