The Environmental Protection Agency has said for years that there’s not much evidence that the pesticide can cause cancer. In 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, a part of the World Health Organization, classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans,” and again defended that report this year.

And a series of independent studies in the past few years have revealed that small amounts of glyphosate residue end up on the packaged food sold in every aisle of the grocery store. The jury also found that Monsanto “acted with malice” in failing to warn him about the potential health effects of the chemical, glyphosate. The chemical, which is the active ingredient in the weed killer Roundup, can allegedly cause cancer. Loaded with sugar, food chemicals, and colorings, soda pop acidifies the body and literally feeds cancer cells. Products including Cheerios and Nature Valley cereals, granola and snacks contain “troubling levels” of the cancer-causing chemical glyphosate, which is found in Roundup, a … In this election year unlike any other—against a backdrop of a pandemic, an economic crisis, racial reckoning, and so much daily bluster—Mother Jones' journalism is driven by one simple question: Will America move closer to, or further from, justice and equity in the years to come? A report released this morning by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) focused specifically on residue in food products containing oats. Here are 10 of the most unhealthy, cancer-causing foods that you should never eat again. Can you pitch in a few bucks to help fund Mother Jones' investigative journalism? Save big on a full year of investigations, ideas, and insights. The bigger safety concern is the spraying of weed-killers like Roundup. Especially important are fermented fo… The EPA has researched this issue and has set rules that we follow as do farmers who grow crops including wheat and oats,” wrote General Mills spokeswoman Kelsey Roemhildt in an email. But unless these fruits are organic or verified to be pesticide-free, they could be a major cancer risk. Help Mother Jones' reporters dig deep with a tax-deductible donation. Glyphosate … The Environmental Working Group (EWG) found that up to 98 percent of all conventional produce, and particularly the type found on its “dirty” fruits list, is contaminated with cancer-causing pesticides. Cheerios cancer causing - In 2015, the International agency for research on cancer, cancer research, the World health organization classifies glyphosate as "probably carcinogenic to humans." And since cookies, cakes, pies, sodas, juices, sauces, cereals, and many other popular, mostly processed, food items are loaded with HFCS and other refined sugars, this helps explain why cancer rates are on the rise these days.