The recovery key allows you to login again with your email and password. terribly written article does nothing to describe the specific process to backup each 2fa account. It was really informative. Do you know if this will be the case or if my accounts will then transfer over to my new phone? We know ads can be annoying, but they’re what allow us to make all of wikiHow available for free.

It’s enough to tap one button on the Google Authenticator on your old phone, the app will generate a QR code, and then you’ll need to scan this QR code with the Google Authenticator application on your new Android phone. Enter your account name and key. Please, let me know if this advice is useful for you. If a text message with a verification code was sent to your phone, make sure your service plan and mobile device supports text message delivery.

2020. This is the first time I have changed out a phone since I have been actively working on the cloud. Your site is very useful. It showed only the QR code. I’m glad that this article has proved to be useful to you.

But what do you do with the websites which do not support backup codes? You’ll never find the QR code with the secret key you used to create your current token, even don’t try. You may need to move to your main phone, or another trusted device, to sign in to your backup phone. I had this same confusion, I assumed that my Google account ‘controlled’ by entire Google Authenticator app. Should have stayed with SMS auth. Unfortunately, there is no way to restore all the tokens you had. Not so good with Google Authenticator. The Recovery tool will overwrite the account you added to Authenticator on your new phone with the account that exists in your backup. If you don’t have access to your old iPhone the only thing you can do is to contact customer support for every cryptocurrency exchange you use. Fortunately, Microsoft Authenticator provides a backup and recovery option. Yes, the QR code is the permanent secret key (seed), used to generate one-time passwords according to the TOTP algorithm. First of all, I should admit that Step 1 of this article allows you to transfer ONLY the secret key for Google account, the other accounts where you use Google Authenticator won’t be moved to your new phone. These are the one-use codes that allow you to login into your account if you lose access to your OTP token. Thanks in advance. There is no need to turn off two-factor authentication on all your accounts and activate it again.

To extract the secret keys manually you need to give adb root access, this is easily done with an app like [root] adbd Insecure if you’ve got stock ROM. I’ll be ordering more for my colleagues in due course. Of course, lost backup and QR. It’s a pity, but Google doesn’t save any Google Authenticator backups.

Most accounts provide backup codes you can use if you’ve lost or damaged your phone. I have to thank you very much Maxim you have given me some valuable info on how I can store my backup as I am using google authenticator and by screenshots, I have a big chance to rest if it happens that I lost my phone.

You have to re-create your 2FA accounts on your new phone manually. After a little more time and effort, not only is Protectimus not in any way inferior, it is often superior as compared to former industry leaders. Make sure you have a copy of the backup codes for each account before you attempt to change your authenticator device. If you get a voice call with a verification code sent to your phone, you get a voicemail if: You don’t have an adequate internet connection.

It’s sad, but it seems like in this situation you’ll have to reach the support services of all websites where you used Google Authenticator. Community content may not be verified or up-to-date. From that respect, Authy has some security advantages over GA. Une clé secrète distincte est nécessaire pour chaque compte Google. What has went wrong and can I recover them? Use these tips to answer as best you can. Now if something happens to your smartphone you will easily disable 2-step authentication and restore access to your Google account. However, if you don't have a backup of your previous Google Authenticator codes, you won't be able to restore your Google Authenticator.

You’ve now moved Google’s authentication code to the new phone, but that’s all; the only service you’ve set up is Google. How do you transfer Google Authenticator to a new phone? It could be possible if your phone was rooted.