Information Systems and Technology's (IST) documentation on installing and using the VPN client. This article has been viewed 340,934 times. Cons: Requires the remote desktop to stay on. Unless you know how to properly configure a NAS for internet access, it is not a secure technique. Computing questions? To access your computer’s drive using OneDrive, open the OneDrive settings window by right-clicking on the OneDrive icon in the taskbar and selecting the option “Settings.” In the Settings window, navigate to “Settings” tab and select the checkbox “Let …

TeamViewer is completely free for personal use. Simply create a free account (almost every cloud service offers 10 -15 GB free storage) and upload your files. Follow all of the prompts to complete the installation, and then return to Chrome and click "OK." Enter and confirm your PIN and click "OK." A systems preference dialog will appear, and you will need to confirm your account and PIN. OneDrive lets you access all your computer files and folders without actually syncing them with the cloud. How to Share Files Between Two Computers Using WiFi, How to Access your Computer Files from Anywhere With TeamViewer. To learn how to set up a VPN so you can access your work computer from home, keep reading! How to Customize your iPhone Home Screen on... How to Transfer Google Drive Data to OneDrive... How to Change the Default Browser on iPhone, How to Smartly Follow Stocks Using Google Assistant, 11 Best Opera Browser Tips and Tricks for Windows Users, Microsoft To Do vs Google Tasks: Why I Use the Former. Use your Finder to locate and then double click the "Chrome Remote Desktop.mpkg." We know ads can be annoying, but they’re what allow us to make all of wikiHow available for free. If you can afford to buy a NAS device or router then that can also help you in accessing files remotely. Instructions from IST on how to set up a remote desktop connection on a Windows machine.

Available Monday to Friday, 9:30AM - 4:30PM, with some exceptions. That’s it. Some NAS devices don’t have this remote access turned on by default, but one can easily forward port to make its web interface accessible on the internet. i.e, both the machines should be at the same place or at least on the same network. LogMeIn Pro varies from $349.99/year to $1539.99/year for large businesses. Thanks....", "I was trying to access my work computer remotely. But all this comes at a price. Finally, it is by far the best, simple and secure way of remotely accessing your files over the internet. complete process via its step-by-step explanation. Most companies have security measures in place to prevent anyone from accessing resources from outside the company network. Most online scammers will ask you to download apps like TeamViewer in order to "fix" your computer for a fee. After syncing, you can access it by opening the Google Drive page in your favorite browser and then navigating to the “Computers” tab on the left panel. Depending on your company's electronic policies, doing could result in termination and possibly prosecution. How to Remove Home Accessories from Control Center on iOS14.

After it has been installed, confirm your Google Account and enter your PIN again. Click "OK" and the computer you enabled should be under "My Computers" now. You store all your files on NAS and access them over the internet or from any device in your home. (Any available letter will do.). Cons: Unless you are using SFTP, FTP servers are unencrypted and considered unsafe. wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. If you are looking for a way, that takes care of all the geeky stuff and lets you access your computer files remotely then try remote desktop software. This article has been viewed 340,934 times. Pros: Offers the most control out of other options available. ", How to Access Your Work Computer from Home,,,, acceder a la computadora del trabajo desde tu casa, Acessar o Computador do Trabalho a Partir de Casa, Accedere al Computer dell'Ufficio da Casa, получить доступ к вашему рабочему компьютеру из дома, Von zuhause auf deinen Computer auf der Arbeit zugreifen, accéder à son ordinateur du bureau depuis la maison, Toegang krijgen tot je werkcomputer vanuit huis, consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow.