Went to use it and this came up. Sebelum memang benar-benar akan dihilangkan tulisan Product Activation Failed-nya, coba kamu cek dulu dengan membuka project kosong pada Microsoft Word dan pastikan jika tulisan itu … mark the replies as answers if they helped. After removing the Office Pro Plus 2019, you need to re-install the Access 2019 and enter the MAK key in XML configuration file before installation or directly in Access after installation to activate Access. your Microsoft account, Installs page on the computer you want to install on, and choose Tunggu hingga proses aktivasi selesai yang ditandai dengan keterangan Product activation successful. Jika anda belum memilikinya, silahkan download disini.

On the same computer, Office Standard 2019 works fine. Kemudian buka/jalankan file Oinstall (Run as administrator). Entering the MAK directly into Access of course does not work. Access 2019 MAK product activation failed out of the blue, Office 2016, Office 2019, and Office 365 ProPlus - IT Pro Discussions. It is recommended to remove the activation information of Office Pro Plus 2019 with ospp.vbs command. This thread is locked. Jika anda mencari software yang bisa dijadikan sebagai keygen atau aktivator Microsoft Office 2019 yang sudah anda install, maka KMS Office 2019 merupakan salah satu solusi terbaik. Jika muncul jendela Windows Security Alert, silahkan klik Allow access. Using the respective MAKs obtained in the MS VLSC, I have configured and installed both products using the deployment tool. What should I do? talk to experts about Microsoft Office 2019. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan untuk melakukan proses konversi dari Retail ke Volume pada Office 2019. Today, after making no changes, Access 2019 reports that product activation has failed. Try logging in to the MyAccount with your email account to see if Office 2013 shows up there. Yang jelas, cara ini dapat anda lakukan secara offline dan Office 2019 akan teraktivasi secara permanen layaknya anda menggunakan product key yang berbayar. To install your 365 on another device just sign in to Are you getting an error message? Pada halaman tersebut anda akan menemukan keterangan Product Activated yang artinya Office 2019 yang terinstall pada laptop anda sudah berhasil diaktivasi. We need the Full and Exact error message text and code. 2) Reinstall Office 365 or Office 2019. This page provides an overview of licenses and / or subscriptions you have associated with your email. Activate Office that's pre-installed on a new Windows 10 device. We obtained the MAKs for those separately (as both the MAKs and the E2 licences were donated to our nonprofit through Techsoup). The thing is, only someone with access to your records can tell you what is going on with your account. Enter when one command is over (note: XXXXX-XXXXX… means the MAK key of Access 2019): cscript.exe "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office16\"ospp.vbs /inpkey: XXXXX-XXXXX…, cscript.exe "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office16\"ospp.vbs /act, (Please note: if the 32-bit version of Access installed on a 64-bit system, run the following command), cscript.exe "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office16\"ospp.vbs /inpkey: XXXXX-XXXXX…, cscript.exe "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office16\"ospp.vbs /act. Jika proses konversi sudah selesai, maka akan ditandai dengan munculnya status Completed pada bagian keterangan. Turns out the Pro Plus installation was created by the configuration file I downloaded from Techsoup: (Source: www.techsoup.org/support/articles-and-how-tos/how-to-download-and-install-microsoft-office-2019-products-requested-from-techsoup). Dengan menggunakan cara ini maka anda tetap dapat melakukan aktivasi office 2019 meskipun tidak memiliki product key Office 2019. Troubleshoot activation errors. Could you please help me to check the activation of Access and Office 2019 via ospp.vbs command? Setelah anda berhasil mengaktifkan Office 2019 menggunakan KMS Office 2019, maka langkah terakhir adalah jangan lupa mengaktifkan kembali Antivirus anda. Software ini bisa digunakan untuk mengaktifkan office 2019 versi apapun, mulai dari Office 2019 Home, Professional, Business, dan lainnya. Please remember to status, it is stating the product is activated but is showing as Professional Plus 2019, rather than Home and Business 2019.

Itulah cara melakukan aktivasi Office 2019 yang sudah anda install di laptop kesayangan. Search CMD, right-click Command Prompt and run as administrator. Untuk mengatasinya, maka anda harus mengatur agar Smadav mengizinkan Windows menjalankan Script Host. Kadang kala saat anda sudah mengikuti langkah-langkah di atas, tiba-tiba muncul masalah atau error sehingga proses mengaktifkan Office 2019 tidak dapat dilanjutkan. I have installed Professional plus and activated it on one of laptops without any issue. The second "last 5 characters" line is correct. https://support.office.com/en-us/article/activa... https://account.microsoft.com/services/office/install, https://account.microsoft.com/services/office/overview, https://account.microsoft.com/services/office/billing.
1) Repair Office 365 or Office 2016/2019.