Thanks for your feedback. On checking event viewer, we get event id 1000: Description: here scroll down and look for Reset option. Lenovo has replaced the motherboard and the pc has been reinstalled 2 times. Thanks for your inputs. Skype is one of the most commonly used communication applications designed for the Windows Operating System. Anywhere365 will launch Lync automatically Would you please tell us if you try the method provided by Anthony? Launch Skype. The fix is to log into Lync using the Anywhere365 Attendant Console, open the settings and Uncheck "Lync Suppression Mode". This problem occurs either because DNS records related to Skype for Business haven’t been added to your computer or couldn’t be found by the application, or because the Lync server that Skype for Business is trying to access in order to sign you in is not responding. Faulting module path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\Uc.dll.

Exception code: 0xc0000005 Instead, they rely on DNS records. You can download and install OffCAT from the Microsoft Download Center: Skype for Business makes it easy to connect and collaborate with coworkers and business partners around the world: Start instant message conversations and voice or video calls.

Skype 2016 is been used. We want to ensure the correct settings are uploaded. The only way for users affected by this problem to even close Skype once it becomes unresponsive is forcefully close it via the Task Manager. The problem might be with a participant's connection or microphone.
WinTechlab All Rights Reserved. %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Lync\ Hi, Make sure your windows 10 have latest updates. ... No emergency calls with Skype Skype is not a replacement for your telephone and can't be used for emergency calling .

Moreover the office is deployed through SCCM. You could also try to use windows default driver instead and test again.

Before outlook would also stop responding but now its only Skype for Business, do you have a solution? The problem might be with a participant's connection or microphone. Present programs in Skype for Business. I tried to compare same model with windows 7 and they have the same grapfic cards and software, what else can I compare? Best regards Kjell. Completely uninstall Office 2016 with the easy fix tool ?Then reinstall the Office .check the issues was still existed.
When you click on Advanced options this will open a new window. Again open settings using Windows + X keyboard shortcut. there are 77 of them. Faulting module name: Uc.dll, version: 16.0.4266.1001, time stamp: 0x55ba23ea Verify you have the latest version of Skype. Did you try to