Helio Gracie, the patriarch of the Gracie family, who alongside his brother Carlos is most often credited with refining and marketing the martial art now known as Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, died in 2009 at the ripe old age of 95 years old. [100] The act was the first time religion had been overtly used as a criterion for citizenship under Indian law.[100][a][b][c]. [42], A coalition of regional parties formed the government in 1996, but this grouping was short lived, and mid-term polls were held in 1998. This was not well received among the BJP cadre, who criticised the government for being "weak". [66] Anju Gupta, an Indian Police Service officer in charge of Advani's security, appeared as a prominent witness before the commission. [134] India's GDP growth increased substantially during the tenure of the NDA. [151][152], The BJP is a cadre-based party. So maybe you're in your 30's, 40's or even 50's or older? It's like the old saying, "The best time to plant an oak tree is 20 years ago. He later became the co-host of GMA's Eat Bulaga! The official philosophy of the BJP is "Integral humanism," a philosophy first formulated by Deendayal Upadhyaya in 1965, who described it as advocating an "indigenous economic model that puts the human being at center stage. This was the first time that the party won assembly elections in any South Indian state. For another look at how BJJ could actually be the 'fountain of youth', check out our other article here at BJJ Fanatic. newindianexpress.com reserves the right to take any or all comments down at any time. What can it teach practitioners of all ages or even people who are only thinking about taking up the practice of Jiu Jitsu? The Jana Sangh merged with parties from across the political spectrum, including the Socialist Party, the Congress (O) and the Bharatiya Lok Dal to form the Janata Party, with its main agenda being defeating Indira Gandhi. Table of Biography1 Birth Facts, Family, Siblings, Childhood, and Education2 Career and Professional Life3 Awards and […] [44] The Jana Sangh's aims included the protection of India's "Hindu" cultural identity, in addition to countering what it perceived to be the appeasement of Muslim people and the country of Pakistan by the Congress party and then-Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. Let's take a look at some key ideas. [77][78] The then-Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi and several high-ranking government officials were accused of initiating and condoning the violence, as were police officers who allegedly directed the rioters and gave them lists of Muslim-owned properties. You will find yourself gaining strength, flexibility and maybe losing some extra weight (especially if you couple it with an effective diet regimen). The official ideology of the BJP is integral humanism, first formulated by Deendayal Upadhyaya in 1965. [124][125] BJP president Rajnath Singh said that the party supported section 377, because it believed that homosexuality was unnatural,[126] though its stand has softened after its victory in the 2014 general elections. [138], Modi has been described as taking a more economically populist approach on healthcare and agricultural policy. In 1998, he made a landmark visit to Pakistan, and inaugurated the Delhi–Lahore Bus service. [55] This was unsuccessful, as it won only two Lok Sabha seats in the elections of 1984. [121] He had said that Indian secularism attempted to see all religions with equal respect, while European secularism was independent of religion, thus making the former more "positive".