The material appearing on LIVESTRONG.COM is for educational use only. All Rights Reserved, 9 Lansdowne Street, Suite 2Boston, MA 02215, granola often contains oils or natural sweeteners, Granola dates back to the mid-1800s and was called "granula,", Muesli was first created in 1900 by Swiss doctor Maximilian Bircher-Benner, you can enjoy it in so many different ways, This Is How You Can Avoid Cavities, According to a Dentist, A Ranking of Bottled Smoothies, Strictly By Nutritional Content. Granola is often enjoyed in a yogurt parfait with yogurt and fruit, but you can enjoy it in so many different ways (think in a bar or as a crunchy topping on oatmeal). A Swiss physician developed muesli in the early 1900s. This means that granola often contains oils or natural sweeteners like honey or agave to helps the oats stick together in clusters, while muesli is more of a loose mixture.

The major difference between muesli and granola is that while granola is baked using oil and sweeteners, muesli is essentially raw. . Modern muesli is typically made up of raw oats, nuts, seeds and dried fruit. Muesli was originally invented by a Swiss nutritionist and is an uncooked mixture that contains fruits, nuts, seeds, and grains. Surprisingly, both granola, as well as muesli, are a mixture of grains such as oats, nuts, dried fruits with occasional wheat germ and bran. Even their looks are similar, and it is normal for someone not knowing about them to be confused in a shopping mall. Like LOVE it. Both are full of protein, carbohydrates and fats. Although it usually contains oats along with nuts, seeds and dried fruit, granola can also be made from barley, rye or any other suitable grain. Muesli vs. Oats. Make sure to try making your own to truly make each recipe delicious. The original dish was made by combining a small amount of raw, rolled oats with an equal amount of ground almonds, a bit of lemon juice, some condensed milk and a large, freshly grated apple. Privacy Policy Since muesli is uncooked, it often has less added sugars and oils, which can make it a healthier option over granola (not to mention less calories). It can also be eaten raw with yogurt, on top of toast or sweet potato, or milk. It keeps your stomach full for long and speeds up the metabolic rate making you burn more calories in less time. So, I love granola. However, those of us following the carb-clever way of eating will not touch it, and for … diagnosis or treatment. used as a substitute for professional medical advice, any of the products or services that are advertised on the web site. I'll describe it all, right here.