function sanitize_gpt_value2(gptValue) vOut +=', '; vOut = vOut.toLowerCase();

Understand your clients’ strategies and the most pressing issues they are facing. var reg = new RegExp('\\W+', "g"); Free newsletter Lallemand Health Solutions. The company settled with the Federal Trade Commission over similar claims in June 2010. To read the settlement agreement in Weeks v. Kellogg, click here. vOut += aTags[i].trim().replace(reg, '-').substring(0,40);

var vOut=""; }); “While science shows that these antioxidants help support the immune system, given the public attention on H1N1, the Company decided to make this change,”​ the company said in a statement. | Product Presentation. The move follows a Kellogg’s decision not to promote the ‘Smart Choices’ scheme after the Food and Drug Administration raised concerns about the potential for such labels to mislead consumers. Antioxidants/carotenoids, With the legal sector working digitally, it's a great time to review your current content marketing strategy and see where you can get the best ROI from your existing content. Kellogg's has been adding antioxidants to Rice Krispies​ for about a year and began making the immunity claims in May. In the summer of 2009, Kellogg launched a new ad campaign for Rice Krispies, which included product packaging claiming the cereal “Now helps support your child’s immunity” and that “Kellogg’s Rice Krispies has been improved to include antioxidants and nutrients that your family needs to help them stay healthy.”. BCAAs: An ace in sports nutrition's 6-pack? Become your target audience’s go-to resource for today’s hottest topics. - Last updated on

Subscribe, 05-Nov-2009 If you would like to learn how Lexology can drive your content marketing strategy forward, please email var aTags = gptValue.split(','); ", © Copyright 2006 - 2020 Law Business Research. Power up your legal research with modern workflow tools, AI conceptual search and premium content sets that leverage Lexology's archive of 900,000+ articles contributed by the world's leading law firms. dataLayerNews = {}; Subscribe

"Lexology is a great service, providing easy access to a variety of relevant articles from a number of information providers across different geographical zones -- I just wanted to say thank you to all who are involved in providing this reference! } The Kellogg Company has pulled immunity claims from its popular antioxidant-fortified Rice Krispies range, rather bizarrely citing swine flu links as the principal reason. Product claims, We will, however, continue to provide the increased amounts of vitamins A, B, C and E (25% Daily Value) that the cereal offers.” ​. The next generation search tool for finding the right lawyer for you. Immune support, Therefore, we believe the claim ... is supported by reliable and competent scientific evidence."​. On product packaging, Kellogg claimed that Rice Krispies cereal “now helps support your child’s immunity,” with “25 percent Daily Value of Antioxidants and Nutrients – Vitamins A, B, C, and E.” The back of the cereal box stated Please contact Kellogg used the claims for just six months before being challenged by the Oregon attorney general. Immune system

When it comes to claims about its cereals, Kellogg should just stick with "Snap, crackle and pop." Applicable to a wide range of ingredients and formulations,... Free newsletter Food industry critic, Marion Nestle, applauded Kellogg’s decision.

"Yes, these nutrients are involved in immunity, but I can't think of a nutrient that isn't involved in the immune system,"​ she told USA Today​. { The federal suit alleged that Kellogg falsely claimed the cereal boosts children’s immune systems. {

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Questions? The plaintiffs claimed that Kellogg did not have a clinical study that adequately supports its claims and that it failed to adequately disclose whether the inclusion of sugar and high fructose corn syrup negates or otherwise decreases any health and immunity benefits.