To learn more about backlog grooming, watch our video.

The product backlog is the list of all the work that needs to get done. •    It enhances team efficiency as it reduces uncertainty.•    It refines the stories and hence makes it easy for estimation, implementation, and testing. For agile organizations, in particular, this is where a sprint backlog comes in.

Every team member must provide inputs to the estimation.

But that’s not necessarily the case, as the most valuable addition likely has dependencies that need to be developed first.

The development team takes input from the PO and suggests the technical value of the product before creating the user story. The product backlog is created by the product owner, who is the project’s key stakeholder and therefore has a full vision of the project. These are short development time blocks, usually a couple of weeks or a month, during which the team works on a limited set of tasks. A backlog is a list of tasks required to support a larger strategic plan. The product backlog is a compiled list of all items that must be delivered to complete the whole project or product. Low-priority items should not be a dependency and can be safely ignored until they are candidates for refinement.


While the product owner is tasked with prioritizing the backlog, it's not done in a vacuum.

The backlog doesn’t have to include epics. If you do not include an initiative on the backlog, it will most likely not get done. One of the requests from stakeholders and customers has been to have an integrated background checker, so you add that to the product backlog.

Characteristics of Product Backlog. Product refinement is the process of refining the tasks in the product backlog so that they’re clear enough to be action items instead of nebulous ideas. Help keep it organized, up-to-date, and healthy. Also, just not one person must read out the agenda and conclude the session. Then the team will pull the items from this sprint backlog from the larger, more comprehensive product backlog.

First, make sure the PO is present and aware of the customer needs.2. This helps set expectations with stakeholders and other teams, especially when they bring additional work to you, and makes engineering time a fixed asset.

Before discussing the Product Backlog Template, you must know what Agile Product Backlogging is.Generally, people take the word backlog in a negative connotation. Backlog creation – Once the user story mapping is done its time to put them in the backlog.

Then it’s a matter of following the sprint cycle guidelines to follow each item through to completion.

The Product Backlog is dynamic; it constantly changes to identify what the product needs to be appropriate, competitive, and useful. The product owner’s job is to produce the very best product possible, so that means developing the most valuable additions to the software first. It is done by developing epics, conducting release planning, creating user stories, tasks, and estimating tasks.

Your product backlog corresponds to your project plan, the roadmap for what your team plans to deliver. The product owner is free to re-prioritize work in the backlog at any time due to customer feedback, refining estimates, and new requirements. When they pull together the cross-functional team for backlog grooming, product managers can: Review the items and discuss how the items at the top support the company’s current strategic objectives. Since the product backlog is ranked in order of most valuable components, it would stand to reason that the most valuable addition would be at the very top. The backlog is a living document; make sure you’re constantly prioritizing, refining, and keeping the backlog up to date.

•    Keeping product up to date becomes possible with PRODUCT BACKLOG REFINEMENT and thus successful product development becomes easy. When a product team gets together to plan work for a specific upcoming time period, a backlog makes it much easier to assign tasks to each person. Yes, this is an exit criteria to be checked if each item will meet at every sprint completion. These discussions foster a culture of group prioritization ensuring everyone shares the same mindset on the program. You may have hundreds of items in your backlog as ideas for product improvements are suggested.