MAC seems to automatically use the send updates only to added or deleted attendees and does not cancel other meeting attendees. If the issue still exists, you could try to repair your Outlook client. Since OWA is doing the same thing as desktop I did not complete the last 2 steps.Please advise! More Information. Tick the checkbox next to the Include me option to send yourself an invite. Pay close attention to the meeting responses. When asked if you want to edit all recurring meetings, click All. Next, tap the Repeat option and set its Frequency to:• Daily• Weekly• Monthly• Yearly. At the same time, a new task is created because the original task was set to recur. Simply end the recurring meeting via setting an earlier end date and sending the update to all attendees. We have a few users who have recurring meetings that seem to be having issues updating when the organizer updates or cancels a series. Use the custom task form to create a recurring task. This article describes a method for creating a recurring reminder e-mail message.

Because the meeting cancellation is received before the meeting update, Outlook marks the cancellation as Not Current or out of date. The meeting organizer and all attendees must delete the meeting. This will launch the meeting editor from where you choose to:• Edit this event. We did some additional testing and those users on a MAC are not having this issue. Robin displays a conflict notice and doesn’t let you book the meeting. Only the instance of the recurring meeting you selected.• Edit following events. ; Add and click OK.. An attendee accepts the appointment request. If the response is helpful, please click "Accept Answer" and upvote it.Note: Please follow the steps in our documentation to enable e-mail notifications if you want to receive the related email notification for this thread. You can use the calendar and filters to quickly find the meeting you’re looking for. Please note that there have been past issues with Mobile devices and meeting corruption where the organizer has actually been changed and/or the meeting is cancelled entirely. If you add the line NewItem.Send immediately below the NewItem.Display line, the message is automatically sent when you mark the task as completed. Specifically, you can configure:• How often the recurring meetings take place.• When the recurring meetings end. Right-click and select Add or Remove Attendees. - Outlook automatically sends/deletes invitees based on latest list - Updates only go to added/deleted users instead of everyone - Prefer not to receive an OOO replies - Prefer not have outlook expand the list name before sending - Have a recurring meeting reserved on attendees calendars.