He says: Following my abduction, I was shown a petition authored and engineered by Gbajabiamila and the clerk of the House of Representatives forwarding a resolution of the House where the police were directed to arrest me following comments I made about the shady attempt to pass the Control of Infectious Diseases Bill, comments that I strongly stand on for, which even in international and local fora we have been commended for standing against the plot of using of our legislature to pursue sinister objectives.

The Coalition of United Political Parties (CUPP) claimed in a Monday, May 4th statement published in the DailyPost and credited to CUPP’s spokesperson –  Barrister Ikenga Imo Ugochinyere, of a purported transaction between American philanthropist, businessman and software developer, Bill Gates and the leadership of the Nigerian House of Representatives. Before joining Dubawa, he belonged to the association of campus journalists where he was trained on the basics of fact-checking, a tool for combating misinformation in Nigeria. ", The bill extends arrest powers in cases where a citizen has not committed a crime but is only sick, he says. Factcheck: Did Bill Gates bribe Nigeria to test vaccines on children? Ten countries in Africa are currently recipients of Gates philanthropy: Ethopia, Nigeria, South Africa, Burkina Faso, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Senegal, Tanzania, and Zambia. The co-founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates has rubbished claims that it offered a $10million bribe to members of the House of Representatives to pass the Infectious Diseases Bill. Here are several recent debunks published by Lead Stories: Fact Check: Bill Gates Did NOT Bribe WHO With $50 Million To Declare COVID-19 A Pandemic, Fact Check: Bill Gates Won't Make $200 billion from vaccines, Fact Check: Bill Gates Did Not Say 700,000 People Will Be Killed By Coronavirus Vaccine, Fact Check: Context of Bill Gates TED Talk Not About Lowering Population With Vaccines. Lead Stories is a fact checking website that is always looking for the latest false, deceptive or “Opposition Coalition (CUPP) has intercepted very credible intelligence and hereby alerts Nigerians of plans by the leadership of the House of Representatives led by Femi Gbajabiamila to forcefully and without adherence to the rules of lawmaking to pass the Control of Infectious Diseases Bill 2020 otherwise known as the Compulsory Vaccination Bill which is proposing a compulsory vaccination of all Nigerians even when the vaccines have not been discovered”. The Foundation works in very diverse settings around the globe in a nonpartisan fashion, consistent with strict U.S. private foundation restrictions on political and legislative engagement. There is no evidence of such a huge payment offered beyond an unsupported accusation by a political opposition leader. Subsequently, federal judge, Othman Musa, ruled that Ugochinyere must not be arrested and ordered security agents not to obey the resolution of the House to arrest him. inaccurate stories (or media) making the rounds on the internet. Since the government introduced the Infectious Disease Bill to replace the Quarantine Act, Femi Gbajabiamila, Speaker of the House of Representatives, has enthusiastically supported the proposed Bill which has also become a subject of controversy. Lateef Sanni is a graduate of mass communication from Lagos state university.

The letter entitled ‘Gates Foundation statement on allegation of misconduct’, read in part, “The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has recently been made aware of an allegation circulating in certain elements of the Nigerian media that the foundation was involved in a payment purportedly made to the Nigeria House of Representatives. The Foundation pledged $5 billion over five years to Africa starting in 2016. DailyPost which originated the publication has apologised for publishing the story. The Foundation commended Nigeria government for its swift response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Nigerian House of Representatives have been considering the Infectious Diseases Control Bill, which this article makes reference to. Lewis Did NOT Pen A 'Prophesy' That Appears To Have Parallels To The Coronavirus Crisis. “We are talking about billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates, of course, who reportedly offered a $10 million bribe to the Nigerian House of Representatives in exchange for gaining access to Nigerian children whom he could experiment on with a new vaccine for the Wuhan … Both the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the House of Representative have disclaimed the accusation but the committee investigating the claim in the House of Representative is still continuing its work. Dr. Anthony Fauci has a $100 million conflict of interest which is why he was opposing Trump.