Work on your flexibility. From a normal stance, stagger one foot in front of the other. 3 Eat a balanced diet. How to become a gymnast? Teen classes usually meet once or twice a week. Being flexible is one of the most important qualities of a gymnast. Stretch your back, shoulders, pike, toes and wrists. That’s a lot of hours in the gym — but that would give you the best shot at … Being flexible also improves your coordination. Doing stretches and other exercises every day will make your body more limber, allowing you to perform gymnastics moves with grace and ease.

Proper training is necessary to limit injury, because gymnastics can take a tremendous toll on the body. The Physical Toll of Gymnastics. If you are younger you would have to join classes. And 14-16, you work out 35 hours a week getting you over the 10,000 hour mark. Arrange a good schedule, and make sure you leave a good amount of time to get to your class. If you want to be a gymnast, you can start working on your flexibility right now. Try a handstand. (In my math, I gave you 2 weeks vacation.) To become proficient in gymnastics, you must have at least one forward split down, but splits are not the only thing gymnasts need to be flexible in.

A gymnast doesn't eat McDonald's everyday, … Technically, there’s no maximum age limit …

For many people, rhythmic gymnastics is not just a kind of sport but it is an occupation which they devote a lot of strength and time from the early childhood. Lean forward at the waist, keeping your torso rigid and straight with your arms extended over your head.

[1] X Research sourceStep 3, Work hard. Many young girls starting from early years dream to be elegant, flexible and feminine like professional gymnasts. If you are more advanced, you may be able to join a competitive gymnastics team.Step 2, Be on time. If you would like to compete, look into private lessons with a coach who is committed to helping you pass each USA Gymnastics level quickly, as you cannot simply skip levels under the competitive rules. Place both hands down on the floor; at the same time, kick up with your back leg to elevate … Not … Enroll in a teen class for beginners if you are not looking to compete. If you are in high school, sign up for your school's gymnastics team. Starting to Practice Start training as young as possible. Ages 9-13, you work out 20 hours a week getting you to a total of 6,600 hours. Wrist, elbow, shoulder, lower back, knee, ankle and foot injuries are common among competitive gymnasts. Step 1, Find a good class or team. Gymnasts should advance at a sensible rate, avoid over-training and work under expert supervision.