Despite being sensitive, quiet, and introverted, they can be good leaders in careers and jobs that promote peace, humanitarianism, social justice, and counseling. I, N, F and J: What Each Letter of Your Personality Type Code Means, Using Your Code to Help You Make Career-Related Decisions, Use Your Personality Type to Guide Your Career. INFJ Careers: The 2 Most Important Fields. It’s not all about making money. Like many other introverted types, Advocates like to dream up solutions on improving the world and humanity. INFJ Careers. But this is our life purpose. Because they thrive in this type of environment, managers can use this opportunity to bring out the best in their INFJ employees. Is ENFJ Your Myers Briggs Personality Type? Finally, preferences aren't static —they can change as individuals go through life. We will feel as though we are being controlled by the physical environment. But it’s much easier to create our own lifestyle and decide how to spend our time than to find the perfect job. INFJs want to help in a way that we think it’s good for others. Meaningful work might sound confusing to the other personality types. To better understand this personality type, let's take a look at each letter, keeping in mind, as previously noted, that all four preferences interact to make each type unique: Remember, these are only preferences. The best INFJ careers are those that provide a sense of purpose and allow this caring personality type to contribute towards a humanistic or environmental cause. Featured Photo Credit: Courtesy of Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for American Education: Images of Teachers and Students in Action. An INFJ doesn’t have to work in a job that is humanitarian, but we must at least feel some growth at work. What Can Your INTJ Personality Type Tell You About Your Career? Personally, I had changed my career paths way too many times. As long as the employees’ work ethics are up to par, INFJ bosses will find ways to make their subordinates feel valued and necessary. (Part 1): The Difference Between INFJ and INFP, Am I an INFJ? 3. For most types, work is just a means to earn an income. we prefer to work independently and given quiet time to think and reflect. We prefer to work 1-1 or in an organization with a flat structure instead of an impersonal, corporate kind of setting. Next Post: What Was It Like Growing up as an INFJ? It’s difficult for us to be in a role where we need to manage other people’s behaviors based on rules set by others. It’s a pity since INFJs make great leaders if we choose to be one. Their animations might look cool, funny, and somewhat violent, but they are not the type of animation I wanted to do, so I left the industry. Bringing a positive air to work, INFJs are typically popular with others in the workplace. INFJs can see different points of view. Watch me talk about my career as a private tutor below: For other interviews in the INFJ Career Workshop, click here. What’re the best careers for an INFJ? (I can't believe how many hits I get on this page, and how many people are anxious to comment.) How to Be More Self-Compassionate and Kind to Yourself? 2. 8. Those with the Advocate personality type prefer a work environment where they see themselves as equals rather than in a place that has a hierarchical chain of command. The 10 Best Career Matches for INFJ Personalities. If you are open-minded enough and truly understand entrepreneurship, you will realize that a business is a good medium for you to make the positive impact you want and fulfill your vision. While careers in the health care field are very popular with INFJs, they can be happy in jobs that provide assistance to others indirectly as well. 9. So it’s important to point this out. I had been an auditor, accountant, and animator. With lofty goals and values, these types have no shortage on ideas of what they’d like to do. Are You an ISFP? If you're an INFJ looking for a new career, you might consider career counseling. These types need to feel that their ideas are taken seriously by higher-ups so that they feel appreciated. The Best INFJs Careers to Consider 1. A career that allows you to work alone, 1-1, or in small groups. Finding a career that allows those of this type to get paid for doing what they would do naturally can be very satisfying. It allows me to change my communication style accordingly to each student and find more meaningful solutions for them. While any personality type can adjust to a choice of career and be surprisingly successful, some career choices may require Advocates to think or act in ways that don’t come naturally to them. 4. A career that has the freedom to express our insights or creativity. Common jobs for people with INFJ personality types. Udemy Editor. We can see the underlying issue and provide valuable insights to others.