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This T-shirt says it perfectly: "Be kind to every kind"! Thanks for sharing, love that it’s vegan . Strike one. Are you more of a Classic Yellow Lemonade or a Pin, Back to baking with BERRIES! Although avoiding all animal products may sound like a treacherous feat, it isn't as difficult as you may think, especially when you can nosh on these savory vegan snacks. Most cereals are vegan, because they don't need to put dairy in them to sell dairy, since cereals are usually bought with milk. Also, apparently in rare cases companies can just say “Vitamin D” when referring to D3.

My sister absolutely loved these when we were younger.

Just remember that you can't dunk your cookies in a glass of milk if you want to eat by vegan standards. Change ). omg this looks so good! Anonymous. These include dairy, meat, eggs, among others. Catlee. Super cool! I did make that ultimate gluten-free + vegan cereal list, back in the day (super outdated now!) ★☆.

This sub has been overrun by the recent “plant based food” craze where people fail to understand what being vegan truly means. You are so right about all the sugar in cereal, I very seldom let my kids eat cereal. I didn’t make copycat Cap’n Crunch (yet! March 12, 2018 by Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine 66 Comments. Whether you snack on these gluten-free Reese’s Puffs dry or pour a big bowl with some ice cold non-dairy milk (Silk’s unsweetened vanilla cashew milk is my jam), you and the fam will be in homemade “copycat” healthy cereal heaven!

RE: Are Reeses Pieces Vegan…

This the only thing I’ve seen someone make with Tiger Nuts besides horchata. Not without a little effort. Reese’s Puffs….Chocolate and Peanut Butter vegan happiness!

★☆ These look so good I wish I could eat peanut butter.

Chocolate? ★☆

(Though, of course, you should still eat it in moderation!).

I love having cereal as an easy evening snack, but I am picky about which ones I buy because so many have sketchy ingredients… Can’t wait to try your version on Reece’s Puffs!

Now, let's take a look at why exactly these ingredients are not vegan-friendly. If you're looking for a delectable treat that fits the vegan lifestyle, munch down on one of these completely vegan snacks (although I can't guarantee they will be the most nutritious choices).

He even added sugar to it, crazy sweet tooth he has. The So, Blackberry Crumb Bars, Baby!

Are Reeses Pieces Vegan. Learn how your comment data is processed. Most electronics aren’t vegan either so it seems like nitpicking over minor things like trace amounts of D3 obtained from lanolin isn’t particularly useful. I’ll still say Cap’n Crunch even though I haven’t had it in over a decade!

Break out your b, How do you make your Tomato Sandwich? Great post and recipe! Homemade versions of everything!

There are a bunch of “peanut” containing recipes I have that do need to see the light of day on Strength and Sunshine sooner of later!

Reese's Pieces are a fairly popular candy, a spin-off of the classic Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. You can even dribble them over some vanilla ice cream or yogurt.

This delicious flavor combination is available in the form of cereal with Reese's Puffs.

Wow. ), Slow Cooker Applesauce | Easy, Simple, No Added Sugar, Homemade Spaghetti O's (Allergy-Free, Gluten-Free, Vegan), Gluten-Free Apple Crisp (Vegan, Allergy-Free), Easy Dairy-Free Indian Butter Chicken (Gluten-Free, Paleo, Allergy-Free). Bring on the cereal baking then! One that I CAN get the ingredients for.

I’ve never seen tigernut flour here in the UK, but I’ll check online. Plus, each piece contains just 75 calories, with 2 grams of protein and 1 gram of dietary fiber, making it a considerably healthier choice than most candies.

These are tasty, fluffy balls of peanut butter chocolaty fun.


Considering 3/4 cup is…no way the tiny amount any normal human would eat (except my mom), you’re packing in a whole lot of sugar in the morning! These sound great. I told her about the recipe and she flipped. You guys are in for a healthy treat! Although the options are much more limited due to food allergies and celiac, there are still a plethora of delicious ones to devour. Everyone seems to have their very own favorite of course. This Site Might Help You. Also, I was aware that vitamin D supplements are often non-vegan, but I never thought the vitamin in cereal was!

I appreciate all they do for animal rights and promoting veganism. This is why I can’t back PETA.

Because the alternative is making false statements about the ingredients they use in the food they sell? I’ll have to make time to make this one day as my hubs and i looove cereal <3, Omg i will have to try this out! In a world where animals are increasingly exploited and mistreated, making a difference by following a vegan diet is crucial, not only to prevent animals' suffering but also to protect the planet. Thank you for the recommendation! Nice for an occasional treat, O, but you know, dessert for breakfast is always a thing . Not anymore, that’s for sure. Gluten-free, grain-free, vegan, and NO ADDED SUGAR!

I recently started keto and I think I may make this for “cheat” days. If you find a tweet, email, etc, from the company that says it’s vegan then that is just as good as contacting them yourself. By adding your email you agree to get updates about Spoon University Healthier. OMG yum!

Im not really a cereal eater, but I love some raisin bran every now and then.