The table below shows how Windows Live scopes map to the Outlook REST API scopes.

personal accounts. (The second and

You can use the Prefer: outlook.timezone HTTP header to specify the preferred time zone to display the ScheduledStartDateTime and ScheduledEndDateTime values. Initially, a user does not have any overrides. Once the app has an access token, it's ready to call the Mail API.

Send the message supplied in the request body by using the SendMail method. The name is the only writable property for a folder. Each override corresponds to an SMTP address of a sender. Try out sample REST calls in the Graph Explorer. in which case the synchronization round is complete and you can stop. The Calendar REST API is supported in all versions of the Outlook REST API. The message is then saved in the Sent Items folder. This feature is currently available in only beta. To synchronize the messages in a It will cover the sequence of requests and responses that an app uses to authenticate and retrieve messages. The Mail REST API is supported in all versions of the Outlook REST API. The following example changes an override for the signed-in user. The Mail REST API is supported in all versions of the Outlook REST API.

The draft Reply message with the ToRecipient, IsDraft, and other appropriate properties prepopulated.

With the information in this guide, you can implement this in any language or platform capable of sending HTTP requests. If you use them, be prepared to verify features in your app and make appropriate changes. To get just the preferred language setting among all mailbox settings: To get just the preferred time zone setting among all mailbox settings: A string that represents the preferred time zone in Windows time zone format. When you synchronize a mail folder The Id property is always returned. An example URL is See more about supported REST actions, endpoints and versions below. The rest of this article describes REST API in this endpoint. For the User Photo REST API, {user_context} can be the signed-in user, or a user specified by a user ID. This is an incremental synchronization round: Make the initial GET request with the mandatory Prefer: odata.track-changes header and the

You can also save the message in the Sent Items folder. the Prefer: outlook.body-content-type header: If you specify either header, the response will include the corresponding Preference-Applied header as confirmation: The behavior of the operations in this section vary by version.

the app to use the the v2 authentication endpoint and the Outlook REST API. To create multiple overrides, you can send multiple POST requests or. Get the overrides that a user has set up to always classify messages from certain senders in specific ways. Use $select to specify only those properties you need for best performance. The Mail API Reference has all of the details. Utilisation de l'API Outlook pour accéder à un dossier spécifique (1) Vous pouvez utiliser le membre de collection Folders de l'objet Outlook.NameSpace.
You must specify the Prefer: odata.track-changes header in all sync requests, except This version includes changes that may break v1.0, and additional API sets that have matured and been promoted from preview to GA status. the Status from AlwaysEnabled to Scheduled, and the start and end dates to a different date range. At runtime, your app can continue to use Azure AD and OAuth to authenticate application requests. Once you're done exploring the API, come back here and select your favorite platform on the left. The token that indicates that there are more messages to download.

The Id property is always returned. In order to call the Mail API, the app requires an access token from the Microsoft identity platform. Keep in mind that in general, API in preview status may change before finalization.

Only the properties that you specify are changed.
Alternatively, you can use the preferred GA endpoint v2.0 (, or the preview Move a folder and its contents to another folder by using the Move method. The following table lists the first version that the core functionality of each subset was made available.

We required all apps and services using the old endpoint to move to by October 15, 2015. v1.0 was the minimum general availability (GA) endpoint to move to by that date.