How to change a display Name of a registered application from another application,,, MSAL.Net in PowerShell – Use .pfx file for Client Credentials Flow. Note that you cannot use the environment variables here, it has to be the actual values.

How do we map from Azure so that the User1’s events are accessible?” That requires you to put the correct permissions on the AAD Application.

There has been a separate blog post on finding the correct permissions for your graph API call listed below : Finding the Correct Permissions for a Microsoft or Azure Active Directory Graph Call. The first step to getting access to the Microsoft Graph REST API is to setup an AAD Application Registration. Hi, Thanks for the great post.
Or i need to update the package to use his feature? As i mention earlier i got no issue using API at microsoft graph; the only issue is issuing planner API request from postman. Using PowerShell to configure a signing certificate for a SAML-based SSO Enterprise Application. Now lets get a secret for our AAD Application registration by going to the keys blade and adding a secret. In the MicrosoftGraph | Application collection on the left hand side, click on the Get App-only Access Token. You signed in with another tab or window. Thank you for all you great blogs, which really gives clarity and confidence to approach, keep sharing.

Now our AAD Application registration is ready to go and we can utilize postman to get an access token using the AAD Application registration to use the list users functionality in the Microsoft Graph API. After that we have created our web app, we will want to create a secret. We will use the token endpoint as the URL to post, we will then add the client id, client secret, resource, and grant type in the body of x-www-form-urlencoded fields. You don’t want that secret to get out! Sure, so that means that you have all the right permissions on AAD side, but you will need someone with Outlook expertise to get it working properly. Thoughts and musings by the Microsoft AAD Developer Support team. Enter into the current (not initial) variables your Microsoft Identity Application: ClientID, ClientSecret and TenantID. Microsoft Graph is here to unite Azure & Office 365 data under a single roof. The purpose of this blog post is to show you how you can setup Postman to automatically handle authentication for you so you don’t have to go get a new token manually to test with. I appreciate your feedback, and thanks for reading the blog.

Select On behalf of a User | Get Access Token using Postman OAuth2. The simplest way of doing this is by providing a UserName and UserPassword in the environment settings and use On Behalf of a User | Get User Access Token instead.