D-503 is no longer a threat to the regime. If you’re assigned a summary in school, the best way to approach it is by reviewing the piece you’re summarizing.

Afterwards, I-330 calls D-503, but again refuses to explain her intentions for the next day. In 2016, I wrote over 365 book summaries. What is the meaning of “the greater our knowledge increases the greater our ignorance unfolds as it is used in we chose to go to the moon? He also falls in love with I-330—a female revolutionary who stirs passion and complex emotions within him. © 2020 Shmoop University Inc | All Rights Reserved | Privacy | Legal. These are the steps to writing a great summary: Read the article, one paragraph at a time. This will make it easier for you to combine and formulate a coherent summary. Book authors can take meandering paths to get to their point. Alexander Peterman is a Private Tutor in Florida. She does, however, ask about the progress of the INTEGRAL, the spaceship D-503 is helping to build. Later, D-503 attends the execution of a dissident, at which R-13 reads several verses. Thank you. The Benefactor justifies his regime by comparing himself to a cruel, loving, Christian God. By using our site, you agree to our.

Yes it is obligatory, because readers of your summary must have a possibility to easily find and read the original text, that you have summarised. D-503 travels to I-330’s apartment and finds sex-tickets with his name, evidence that she has been using him as an alibi.

D-503 tells her everything, despite feeling used. When he walks into this apartment, D-503 finds O there. You just have to know how to play with your words and use a variety of sentences to make your chapter summary factual yet a fun read. On another walk, D-503 witnesses a woman stand up for a boy whom the Guardians are torturing. In fiction pieces, you can say something like "Shakespeare's Hamlet then spends a lot of time brooding on the castle ramparts." D-503 and I-330 smuggle her outside the wall.
We’ve all come across a book so wonderful, you’re utterly transfixed and absorbed in every possible way. Any citizen may register to have sexual relations with any other citizen by obtaining a pink coupon.
What can I do? You can say something like, "Hamlet is a man of thought, rather than action," instead of saying, "Why doesn't Hamlet do something once in a while?". This conquest is accomplished with the INTEGRAL, a gigantic spaceship. The supporting details are gradually introduced in the succeeding paragraphs, however, they can be overwhelming.

We use cookies to make wikiHow great. ", "I didn't know how to begin a summary and I found an answer here. The novel describes a world of harmony and conformity within a united totalitarian state. Summarizing is a skill that does not come naturally. ", "I learned how to write a proper summary from this article. If you think a point is important to the piece you're summarizing, add it to your summary. The journal is designed to function as propaganda for its expansion to other planets. I-330 submits a sexual request for D-503, forcing him to meet her at her apartment, where she smokes and drinks. Now I can start my writing. ", Don't use spell-checker for spelling errors. As he walks home, the government attempts to forcibly round up citizens for the operation. review blog in the future. We cover every idea worth knowing, and we give all ideas the detail and nuance they deserve. This article has been viewed 1,651,400 times.